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Your home should feel like a safe haven where the rest of the world melts away. Bringing positive energy into your home can be as simple as arranging decor and furniture in a way that lifts up your spirits and makes you feel at ease.

Having a home you enjoy is also good for your health: one survey revealed that 73% of people that are happy with their home are happy with their life. Having a home filled with positive energy feels even more important these days, as we are all spending extra time in our living spaces due to social distancing.

Transform your life by organizing your home and bringing positive energy into it with these tips.

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Get organized

If you’ve read Top-To-Bottom-Home Organizing, you know the art of tidying up really works! Clutter causes anxiety (it can even make it hard to sleep), so establishing a “home” for every item makes your rooms feel polished and stress-free.

Here are some tips for getting organized:
● Get creative with storage organizers. You can repurpose household items as organizers, purchase commercial organizers (which tend to be more durable), and don’t always use organizers just for their marketed purposes.
● Resist the urge to pile items in junk drawers and find a home for them instead. Every three months, you should empty out any junk drawers you do have and donate, recycle or reuse everything you don’t need.
● Cosmetics can pile up in your bathroom and make it look messy. Know the lifecycle of your products, and toss something once it has expired or you no longer need it for function.

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Choose a scent
Did you know that smells trigger memories and emotions more than any other scent? This is why it’s important to have a signature smell for your home that brings you joy and happiness. Whether you choose a past favorite smell or uncover a new one, you can use scent in your home in a number of ways:

● Use scented candles to decorate your living space. Vanilla and light floral are two popular scents that double as mood enhancers.
● Bring your favorite scent into your bedroom with scented plug-ins. This will keep flames away from your bedding.
● Feature your favorite scented soaps and bath bombs in the bathrooms so you and guests can soak in the tub.
● Purchase aromatherapy kitchen soap so you can relax as you wash the dishes.

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Take advantage of natural light

You can get the recommended 10 to 30 minutes of sunlight indoors if you utilize natural light the right way. Vitamin D also helps prevent COVID-19, while boosting your energy levels and helping your body monitor its circadian rhythm.

Here are some ways to use natural light in your home:

● Add more light into a dark-lit area by decorating with large mirrors that will reflect light.
● While curtains and blinds are great for privacy, open them up when you are hanging out during the day to let the light flow in.
● Consider using daylight-tinted bulbs in certain areas of your home, such as your home office or garage, to help boost your productivity.

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Take advantage of natural light

You can get the recommended 10 to 30 minutes of sunlight indoors if you utilize natural light the right way. Vitamin D also helps prevent COVID-19, while boosting your energy levels and helping your body monitor its circadian rhythm.

Here are some ways to use natural light in your home:

● Add more light into a dark-lit area by decorating with large mirrors that will reflect light.
● While curtains and blinds are great for privacy, open them up when you are hanging out during the day to let the light flow in.
● Consider using daylight-tinted bulbs in certain areas of your home, such as your home office or garage, to help boost your productivity.

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Set up outdoor social spaces

Spread positive energy by making your space feel open and inviting to guests. Right now, the safest way to entertain is outdoors, so consider getting creative in your backyard.

Choose one or two areas to optimize for entertaining. Here are some tips for hosting outside:

Here are some ideas for social spaces:
● Invest in a grill so you can host backyard barbecues.
● Set up outdoor furniture that faces each other so guests can commune.
● Consider getting a pet to greet visitors and keep you company.

Your house should feel like a home. Investing in your happiness and joy doesn’t have to break the bank, either. There are plenty of budget-friendly ways to revitalize your space. Check out this visual from The Zebra below for even more ideas to bring positivity into your home!

About The Author

Karlyn McKell is a writer who specializes in interior design and insurance spaces. She believes the best ingredients for success are passion and purpose.

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